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Genetic diversity and present situation of apricot culture

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Authors: J. Rodrigo, J.I. Hormaza
Issue: 101-4 (333-342)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Apricot, Prunus armeniaca, cultivars, production.

The perspectives for an extension of apricot (Prunus armeniaca) cultivation in Spain are good since this species is not affected by overproduction in the European Union. While in other fruit tree species new cultivars are frequently introduced, the production in apricot relies on a few native cultivars since each cultivar is usually restricted to a particular geographical area with certain ecological conditions and lower yields are obtained whenever particular cultivars are grown in other regions. However, this situation is changing due to the irregular productions of many traditional cultivars. In this work the genetic diversity and the present situation of apricot culture is examined paying attention to the origin and evolution of the crop and to the economic importance and cultivar structure in the main producing countries. Likewise, the perspectives of apricot in Spain are analyzed, exploring the main factors affecting apricot expansion including the damage caused by Plum Pox Virus, the problems associated to reproductive biology and the climatic conditions of the main commercial production areas.

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