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Spanish consumers’ preferences towards ethnic cuisines

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Authors: D.M. Camarena Gómez y A.I. Sanjuán López
Issue: 108-4 (501-521)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Choice experiment, ethnic cuisines, Spanish consumers, mixed logit

Ethnic food is part of the new tendencies among Spanish consumers. Even when its introduction is recent, ethnic food has achieved a space in the retailers‘ distribution channels and a place in consumers‘ tastes. In order to analyze Spanish consumers’ preferences toward ethnic cuisines, a choice experiment has been applied and a mixed logit has been estimated. Likewise, different scenarios have been simulated in order to evaluate the potential market for each ethnic cuisine. Among consumption situations, ceteris paribus the rest of characteristics, the restaurant is the most chosen alternative, while take-away and home preparation are less attractive for consumers. Whilst the Mexican cuisine is unanimously liked, tastes towards Asian and Arabian cuisines are more heterogeneous. Nevertheless, with the right combination of prices, even the least liked ethnic cuisine, the Arabian, could compete with alternative cuisines, in particular, through the restaurant option.

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