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Geographic Information Systems detection of problematic areas of intensive livestock farming for non‑compliance with the regulations in force: the case of the Valencian Community

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Authors: C. Calafat‑Marzal, A. Gallego‑Salguero e I. Quintanilla‑García
Issue: 115-1 (31-51)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Common Agricultural Policy, environmental risks, risks to public health, distance between farms, Livestock density

European policy reforms have evolved in search of a model that allows agriculture and livestock in rural areas to recognize functions such as the conservation of the environment and the rural landscape and the contribution of rural areas to the development of a balanced territory. However, for the livestock sector to contribute to these functions, it must correct the sectoral and environmental risks it generates. One of the key elements to correct it is the spatial planning of livestock. In areas with greater livestock concentration, the potential risk is high and the detection of risks is more complex. The objective of this study is to propose and validate a procedure using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to assess the risk of livestock farms taking into account sectoral, social and environmental criteria. Likewise, it has been applied to the Valencian Community, a region with areas of high density of livestock with intensive production systems, composed of 4984 farms of different livestock species. In the Valencian Community, two main sensitive areas were detected. In the most problematic area, 40% of farms are not in compliance with regulations, none of the farms respect the distance to other farms and half of the farms do not comply with the required distance to urban centres. In the other problematic area, 33% of farms violate the minimum distance to urban centres and distances to other farming operations. The results have identified the most problematic areas due to non‑compliance with current legislation. These results provide valuable information for designing and applying better sectoral, social and environmental policies on the part of public administrations, responsible for the management of livestock and territory activities, in order to reduce the risks for the population close to the livestock farms.


Calafat‑Marzal C, Gallego‑Salguero A, Quintanilla‑García I (2019). Identificación mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica de áreas problemáticas de ganadería intensiva por incumplimiento de las normativas vigentes: el caso de la Comunidad Valenciana. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 115(1): 31‑51.

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