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Effect of growth bioregulators on physicochemical quality indicators in tomato fruits grown in greenhouse

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Authors: R. Cano‑Hernández, M.T. Martínez‑Damián, E.C. Moreno‑Pérez, F. Sánchez‑del Castillo, O. Cruz‑Álvarez y M.J. Rodríguez‑Roque
Issue: 115-2 (120-133)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Solanum lycopersicum L., physiological activator, agronomic management, firmness, roundness index, total soluble solids, lycopene

In the spring‑summer agricultural cycle (April‑August) of 2016 and in a greenhouse belonging to the Chapingo Autonomous University in Mexico, the effect of the application of growth bioregulators (ethephon, calcium prohexadione, iodine and sodium selenite) was evaluated with different concentrations on some quality indicators in tomato fruits. The experimental design was completely random. The fruit quality indicators evaluated were color, weight, equatorial and polar diameter, roundness index, firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity and lycopene content. It was found that the application of iodine significantly affected the color components such as brightness and tonality, as well as the content of total soluble solids. On the other hand, the application of calcium prohexadione increased the fruit weight and the lycopene content. Additionally, sodium selenite was important for obtaining fruits with greater firmness and acidity. In general, the use of growth bioregulators can be a useful alternative to improve physicochemical indicators of fruit quality that favor postharvest handling and tomato life.


Cano‑Hernández R, Martínez‑Damián MT, Moreno‑Pérez EC, Sánchez‑del Castillo F, Cruz‑Álvarez O, Rodríguez‑Roque MJ (2019). Efecto de biorreguladores del crecimiento sobre indicadores de calidad fisicoquímica en frutos de tomate cultivados en invernadero. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 115(2): 120‑133.

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