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Collagen solubility and beef meat texture under vacuum‑cooking: effect of cooking temperature and ageing time

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Authors: B. Panea y G. Ripoll
Issue: 115-2 (163-174)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Toughness, ageing, solubility, temperature, beef.

Sous‑vide or under‑vacuum cooking is being used increasingly in restoration because it has several advantages, but both vacuum pressure and cooking temperature affect meat texture. This paper investigates, in two cattle breeds of different aptitudes, meat texture and collagen solubility in function of the cooking temperature and ageing time. 13 animals from Pirenaica breed and 12 from Frisona breed were used. Muscle Longissimus thoracis et lumborum was chopped following a design of three ageing times (7, 14 and 21 days) and 3 or 4 cooking temperatures: raw, 55°C, 65°C and 70°C for texture; 55°C, 65°C and 70°C for insoluble collagen and cooking losses. Ageing had less effect than temperature on meat texture. The percentage of cooking losses increased as temperature did. The solubility of collagen was slightly affected by the temperature in the range 50°C‑70°C. In the range 50°C‑70°C muscles suffered great conformational changes. In general, toughness decreased until to 55°C and increased slightly since then. In view of the results, we would not recommend cooking the meat above 65°C since above it texture would be adversely affected.


Panea B, Ripoll G (2019). Solubilidad del colágeno y textura de la carne bovina cocinada al vacío: efecto del tiempo de maduración y de la temperatura de cocinado. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 115(2): 163‑174.

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