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Intention to purchase olive oil with a protected designation of origin: the case of Bajo Aragón

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Authors: L. Pérez y Pérez y A. Gracia
Issue: 116-1 (57-70)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Extra virgin olive oil, Bajo Aragón, food quality label, Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis, Theory of Planned Behaviour

The aim of this paper is to analyse the factors affecting the intention to purchase olive oil with a quality label, Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) by Ajzen (1991), the model was expanded to include additional constructs: injunctive norms, past behaviour, knowledge and some socio‑demographic characteristics of consumers. The case study was applied to the analysis of the intention to purchase olive oil with the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) "Aceite del Bajo Aragón" under three scenarios: i) general intention to purchase olive oil with this PDO, ii) intention to purchase when not not available at the usual store and iii) intention to purchase if sold at a higher price than olive oil without PDO. Data comes from a survey conducted to 540 individuals living in Aragón. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was applied to estimate the models. The results showed that the perceived behavioural control was not statistically significant while the attitudes, injunctive norms, knowledge of olive oil with PDO, past consumption, gender and age present a positive and statistically significant influence on the general intention to buy olive oil labelled as "PDO Aceite del Bajo Aragón". However, some of these constructs were not statistically significant in the other scenarios of lack of availability and/or higher price.


Pérez y Pérez L y Gracia A (2020). Intención de compra de aceite de oliva con denominación de origen protegida: el aceite del Bajo Aragón. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 116(1): 57‑70.

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