J.A. Zegbe Domínguez, M.H. Pérez Barraza, J.L. Chan Castañeda
94V-3 (118-128)
Plant Production
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, pruning time, pruning severity
The pruning time and pruning severity of fruiting shoots as well as the elimination of weak unmixed fruiting were studied in a commercial orchard of five‑year‑old clingstone peach trees cultivated under rained conditions in the Mexican tropic. Fruit weight with equatorial diameter >5.1 cm was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased by winter pruning and eliminating a 25% of fruiting shoot length. Fresh and dry fruit growth and vegetative growth as well as some fruit quality variables were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) improved by the same treatment. The opposite effect was observed when trees were spring pruned.
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