Articles in press

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Articles in Press

In this section, you will find articles, technical notes and bibliographic reviews that have been accepted for publication in the Journal ITEA-Información Técnica Económica Agraria, which have not yet been assigned to a specific volume. Articles in press are citable, providing they have a DOI associated ( There may be differences between the press version and the final one due to the correction and layout process. Ver Versión Española

Relationship between physical structures associated with renewable energy and the health and welfare of extensive livestock: a literature review
Isabel Blanco‑Penedo, Carlos Palacios‑Riocerezo, Yolanda Mena y Javier Álvarez‑Rodríguez

Effects of environmental enrichment on production, health and behaviour of meat rabbits. Systematic review
Patricia Katiusca Cumbe‑Nacipucha, Erik Sandor Valencia‑Kanut, Karen Melissa Cardona‑Gómez y Juan Carlos Domínguez‑Tejerina

Agroindustrial and livestock waste as substrate components to produce Catharanthus roseus
Crystal Gisselle Urgell‑Cruz, Salomé Gayosso‑Rodríguez, Maximiano Antonio Estrada‑Botello, Areli Carrera‑Lanestosa y Eduardo Villanueva‑Couoh


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