vigour, precocity, efficiency, production, fruit size, quality, light, interception, diseases.
The study has been carried out over a nine years period in order to evaluate the effects of 6 training systems
on production, quality, light interception, pest incidence and diseases by using the cv. ‘Merrill O’Henry
®’ on GF-305 rootstock. The experimental orchard is located at the IRTA’s Experimental Station of Lleida,
plot of Gimenells (NE-Spain). The yields obtained suggested a relationship between tree density and tree
vigour/early bearing. Based on cumulative yields, Y-shape and Axis were the most productive, due to the
higher density. The best cumulative yield efficiency, was obtained with Tatura, Gobelet and Palmette,
whereas high density systems provided lower values. Fruit quality, soluble solids contents and titratable
acidity were not affected by training systems. The highest percentages of commercial fruit size were
obtained with Double Y, Palmette and Gobelet; whereas Y-shape, vertical Axis and Tatura provided the
lowest values. Tatura, Y-shape and Gobelet were the most efficient on light interception. Tree shape and
density influenced pest control management, due to the direct effect of training systems on spray efficiency;
thus, Tatura was the most affected by diseases and Palmette and Axis the lowest ones.
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