When ending the active period of a professional life fully devoted to applied research, focused on a defined line of work, it seems rather convenient to undertake an analysis of the situation of this field from the beginning, at the moment of my incorporation to it, and its evolution over time, up until now.
This retrospective vision allows a full recognition of the contributions that, through one's personal work and through the participation within work‑teams specialised in several aspects of the same theme, have led to the advances achieved.
This analysis appears a very interesting one because:
● It offers the perspective of an evolution of the theme to which one has dedicated his work, from the point where he has begun his participation in the activities.
● It allows making a self‑criticism over:
One's sensitivity to connect with the industry and understand and capture its problems.
One's imagination to seek the appropriate solutions.
The personal aptitude to connect and co‑operate with other people who, working in different aspects of the same themes, could offer the complementary contributions.
The drawing up of an organised summary of the activities in which one has intervened and their consequences, positive or negative, is one of the things that, during the years of hard work, very few researchers can accomplish because one can never find the time and tranquility necessary to dedicate himself to it.
For 35 years, the author has devoted many activities focused mainly on the study of the almond plant material and its behaviour. These studies have been done in the two components: cultivars and rootstocks. With the present work, I attempt to expose, in a chronological order, the activities related to the almond in which I have participated as a member of several teams.
At every moment, the industry problems as well as the material possibilities that one can dispose of and the composition of the different human teams, changed the balance towards one or the other plant component mentioned above (cultivars or rootstocks), but one has always kept as a reference the need to collaborate in the search for methods to solve or reduce the problems encountered along the way.
This participation in various work‑teams allowed diverse information to be offered to the industry concerning techniques and methods that led to improve and regularise the Mediterranean almond production. The resulting offer also includes some new autogamous cultivars and several rootstocks. all of them more efficient and adapted to our soil and climate environments.
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