J.F. Ortega, J.A. de Juan, J.M. Tarjuelo, R. Merino
95V-2 (149-178)
Plant Production
production functions, irrigation uniformity, economic modelling, economic optimisation, water management
Water is a scarce resource and a main factor from an economical point of view. An economical‑optimisation model has been applied to determine the most suitable crop alternative in a farm at Toledo's province. The model has been developed taking into account these assumptions and the current guidelines stipulated by the Common Agrarian Policy (CAP). This model has the aim of maximising economic return of the farm depending on the available‑water quantity. The model is aimed to work as a useful tool in the making decission support process, specially under uncertainty context and important future changes as a consequence of the settings given by European Agrarian Policy For the coming century.
Three submodels compose the model. The first one determines crop's net water requirements. Several evapotranspiration deficits have been involved in the first submodel, and its effect on yield has been evaluated. The next step is to obtain maximum gross returns with its respective gross application depths (optimum application depths) by determining gross return of each agricultural activity considered. Finally, the crop‑alternative solution that offers the maxim um economic profit is attained, taking into account water availability.
The final solution when applying the model emphasises the importance of including vegetables especially dedicated to the processing sector. Therefore is necessary to develop this sector as a future solution.
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