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Response of a male effect on plasmatic progesterone evolution in angora goats in seasonal anoestrus

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Authors: I. Lorenzo, J.L. Alabart, J. Valderrábano
Issue: 92A-1 (3-9)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: male effect, progesterone, Angora goats, seasonal anoestrus

The response of a "male effect" on the evolution of plasmatic progesterone secretion of Angora goats in seasonal anoestrus was studied on 39 adult does.
A 5% of the goats had a normal oestrus cycle showing a progressive increase in progesterone from basal levels after a male effect rook place. While a 79% of goats showed a short cycle of about 7 days, a 16% showed two short cycles showing a first peak of progesterone after 6 days and a 2nd one 12 days after males were introduced in the flock.
Between day 7 and 16, a 97,4% of goats were on oestrus showing a conception rate or 65%. The conception rate after the two first oestrus was 88%.
The results obtained suggest that a "male effect" could be used as an easy and efficient method for oestrus synchronization in Angora goats by the end of seasonal anoestrus. The utilization of a "male effect" for shortening the interval between generation is discussed.

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