C. Isamar De la Cruz‑Silva, Lizbeth Salgado‑Beltrán y M.D. Carmen García‑Moraga
117-3 (278-294)
Agricultural Economics
Mexican consumer, new product, hedonic analysis, health awareness, innovative character
The consumption of cereal flour in Mexican homes as in other countries is frequent since, traditionally it has been used in a great variety of dishes becoming part of the basic consumption basket. In this context, the objective of the research was to analyze the assessment made by the consumer of Sonora (Mexico) on a new product, cookies made with mesquite flour. The study was carried out in 3 phases: I) Quantitative investigation with application of a measuring instrument who measured the Domain Specific Innovativeness (DSI) and Health Consciousness (HC) scales (n = 551, 95 % confidence level and margin of error ±5.91 %); II) development of the new product and, III) sensory analysis by hedonic tasting (n = 30). The results show two important findings: 1. Explain the knowledge of mesquite flour products is related to people who are more likely to adopt new food products and who tend to worry and care more about their health and 2. The healthier new product (cookies made with mesquite flour) is evaluated with a score similar to the less healthy option (wheat biscuits), and accordingly opens a business opportunity, as it contrasts with certain consumers? belief that a product with good taste is not healthy.
De la Cruz‑Silva CI, Salgado‑Beltrán L, García‑Moraga MDC (2021). Valoración del consumidor de galletas elaboradas con harina de mezquite (Prosopis spp.). ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 117(3): 278-294. https://doi.org/10.12706/itea.2020.030
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