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Antagonist microorganism: an alternative for the biological control of fungal diseases present in coffee crop (Coffea Arabica L.)

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Authors: Nayelli Ayatzol Vidal‑Martínez, Rosalba Argumedo‑Delira, Jesús Ricardo Sánchez‑Pale, Roberto Gregorio Chiquito‑Contreras, Daniel González‑Mendoza y Gabriela Sánchez‑Viveros
Issue: 117-3 (214-226)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: antagonist, bacteria, biological control, fungi, phytopathogens

Biological control takes advantage of the ability of some microorganisms to control populations of vectors in plants; however, little is known about the mechanisms of control with antagonists against fungal agents. Coffee is important in agricultural sector at a global level. There are some biotic factors which limit and reduce quality in the production of coffee bean, specially is relevant the presence of diseases caused mainly by fungi such as Hemileia vastatrix Berkeley & Bromme causing orange coffee rust, Cercospora coffeicola Berkeley & Curtis which causes brown eye spot and Mycena citricolor Berkeley & Curtis, causing American leaf spot disease. The present review compiles available information related to biological control in modern agriculture, interactions and antagonist mechanisms to pathogens between microorganism emphasizing in biological control of diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi in coffee (Coffea arabica L.). In this sense, research focused in isolation, identification and selection of microorganisms from microbial communities is needed, highlighting the description of mechanisms which influence the life cycle of pathogens in order to define the possible biotechnological application during the coffee production.


Vidal‑Martínez NA, Argumedo‑Delira R, Sánchez‑Pale JR, Chiquito‑Contreras RG, González‑Mendoza D, Sánchez‑Viveros G (2021). Microorganismos antagonistas: una alternativa para el control biológico de enfermedades fúngicas presentes en el cultivo de café (Coffea arabica L.). ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 117(3): 214-226.

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