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Cost‑effectiveness analysis of livestock by‑products management of dairy cattle for the reduction of nitrogen pollution

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Authors: M. Soledad Muñoz‑Luque, Julio Berbel
Issue: 118-1 (119-136)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: cost‑effectiveness analysis, manure, slurry, nitrates, leaching, bovine

In this work a cost‑effectiveness analysis has been carried out to validate different measures that can be applied to livestock by‑products from intensive dairy cattle farms in the region of Los Pedroches (northern Córdoba, Spain), from an economic point of view and with the ability to reduce the strong pressure on nitrogen (N) leaching to the environment, due to contamination of water bodies with excess nitrates discharged to the fields through cattle manure and slurry. For this, a series of pressure reduction indicators have been selected and several measures of point and diffuse contamination in the management of livestock by‑products have been analyzed. These measures will be examined through a cost-effectiveness analysis based on that applied to hydrological plans in Spain since the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. The measures that have proved cost‑effective in reducing N leaching are those that include proper management of livestock by‑products in the farm itself, as well as the valorization of these through treatments, such as composting or anaerobic digestion.
With the application of these measures, pollution in water bodies will be reduced in the short‑medium term in the study area.


Muñoz-Luque MS, Berbel J (2022). Análisis coste-eficacia en la gestión de subproductos ganaderos de vacuno de leche para la reducción de la contaminación por nitrógeno. ITEA?Información Técnica Económica Agraria 118(1): 119-136.

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