V.C. Freire, L.C. Issaly, A. Ohanian, M. Vigliocco, J.A. Salminis, H.R. Pagliaricci
96A-1 (56-66)
Animal Production
Economic evaluation, stocking rate, alfalfa pasture, rotative grazing system
Taking into account the results of a productive and socio‑economic diagnostic in the influence area of experimental farm of the National University of Río Cuarto, Córdoba Province, Argentine, it was determined low economic margins in the bovine livestock systems as results of scarce productive levels and a reduced use of perennial pastures in the alimentation scheme. These productive level and so the economics indicators can be improved increasing the proportion of perennial pastures and optimizing the stocking rate (SR). The objective of this work was to determined the stocking rate effects on the economics results (Gross Margin) in the bovine beef production on consociate perennial, alfalfa base, pastures. The economic evaluation of the fattening process was done for three different stocking rates: High (HSR), Medium (MSR) and Low (LSR), for the 94/95, 95/96 and 96/97 periods, using the Gross Margin Method. Significant difference were observed in the gross margin for the three periods. The highest gross margins were related with animal charges of 3 heads/ha (700‑800 kg Live Weight/ha), coinciding in general with what has been designed as MSR. Results showed statistical y difference between MSR and the others. In similar trial conditions it is possible to obtain higher productivity values in the area with stocking rates near the 3 heads/ha, releasing surface to develop agricultural activities. Stocking rates higher than this prejudice against instability and economic losses.
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