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Issue 108-4 Dic 2012

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Plant Production
Reaping what others have sown: Measuring the Impact of the global financial crisis on Spanish agriculture
M. Bourne, J. Childs y G. Philippidis

Estimating models of global solar radiation with limiting data and its spatial distribution in Castilla-La Mancha
A. Martínez-Romero, J.F. Ortega, J.A. de Juan, J.M. Tarjuelo y M.A. Moreno

Public support to the Spanish agriculture in the current framework of the CAP
S. Andrés, J.M. García e I.M. Medina

Irrigation management and pollution by salts and nitrate: flood vs. pressurized system
I. García-Garizábal, R. Abrahao y J. Causapé

Agricultural Economics
Spanish consumers’ preferences towards ethnic cuisines
D.M. Camarena Gómez y A.I. Sanjuán López

Animal Production
Effects of sex and farming system on carcass and meat quality of suckling lambs from Ojinegra breed
R. Ripoll-Bosch, G. Ripoll, J. Álvarez-Rodríguez, I. Blasco, B. Panea y M. Joy

Search of evidence of a major gene for prolificacy in four Spanish sheep breeds
R. Muñoz y J.J. Jurado

Prospects for a meat quality designation: exploratory analysis for “Serrana de Teruel” beef
A. Olaizola, A. Bernués, I. Blasco y A. Sanz

Reference values of blood parameters using an immediate analysis method in Assaf ewes
L. Rodríguez, A.R. Mantecón, P. Lavín, C. Asensio, A.B. Martín-Diana, S. Olmedo, D. Delgado, A.R. Pérez, D.J. Bartolomé y R. Bodas



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