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Preovulatory LH surge of Rasa Aragonesa ewes carrying or not the FecXR allele (ROA®)

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Authors: B. Lahoz, J. Folch, P. Sánchez y J.L. Alabart
Issue: 109-4 (415-428)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Artificial insemination, BMP15, eCG, ovulation, PMSG, prolificacy

The presence of the FecXR allele in heterozygosity (R+) increases ovulation rate and prolificacy in Rasa Aragonesa ewes, and leads to a greater response to eCG. However, their potential effects on preovulatory LH surge are still unknown, which is essential to establish the optimum time for artificial insemination. With this aim, blood samples were taken at 4-6 hours intervals during 72 hours after the removal of a 30 mg FGA sponge, from 50 adult ewes divided in 5 groups depending on their genotype (R+ and ++; carriers and non-carriers) and hormonal treatment (without eCG, 240 or 480 IU). The LH concentrations were analyzed using a commercial ELISA kit. There was no significant difference on the time of the preovulatory LH surge between R+ and ++ ewes. Treatment with eCG significantly advanced the preovulatory LH discharge in both genotypes, with no difference between R+ ewes treated with 240 or 480 IU. These results demonstrate that the presence of the FecXR allele did not affect the preovulatory LH surge, regardless of eCG dose. Therefore, the dose of eCG that should be applied to R+ ewes could be a decision of the farmer depending on the needs and possibilities of the farm to manage greater prolificacy and multiple births. In ++ ewes treated with eCG it is recommended to continue with the established protocol and inseminate 54 ± 1 hours after sponge withdrawal, as it is usually done, since a good synchronization of the preovulatory LH peak was observed at 37 hours.

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