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Categorization of the cows hide in Galicia

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Authors: J.A. Carballo, J. Lendoiro, T. Moreno
Issue: 102-3 (304-313)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Cowshide. Carcasses classification.

Bovine hide is the highest commercial value component of the animal fifth quarter. The genetic, environmental, management and hygienic-sanitary factors have a big influence on the hide characteristics. The hide commercial classification is based on the animal age and weight, and also on some possible defects of it. For this study, it was used the data of 20,505 unusable cows of Rubia Gallega and Holstein Friesian breeds, the more common on the Galician cattle. The bovine hide was classified depending on its weight, in light, medium and heavy. It was made the statistical analysis using the GLM (SAS) and Duncan test, for studying the breed, the hide category and the carcass classification effects. The hide is the 6.16 % of the slaughter weight in the cows. The weight of the hide is higher on the best conformations and fatness scores of the carcasses. It was found a very good correlation (upper than 0.75) between the weight of the hide and the carcass; and an acceptable correlation between the weight of the hide and the conformation of the carcass and with the fatness scores of the carcasses (superiority to 0.56).

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