J.L. Ríos‑Plaza, R.D. Valdez‑Cepeda, C. Vázquez‑Vázquez, I. Orona‑Castillo, M.A. Gallegos‑Robles, J.A. Ramírez‑Ibarra y J.L. García‑Hernández
113-3 (216-227)
Plant Production
Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis, macronutrients, yield, foliar, fertilization, hot pepper
An optimal fertilization is important for improving plant nutrition. Therefore, generation of nutrient norms for every crop in different regions of the world is an essential issue. The Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis (CND or DNC for its acronym in Spanish) approach was used to estimate the minimum value of fresh‑mature fruit high‑yield for the Jalapeño hot pepper native cultivar 'Tajín' as well as the macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) ranges of sufficiency in foliar tissue as linked to the nutrient norms. These norms were defined by using a complete database of n = 100 observations. The target yield was 16.02 mg ha‑1. The macronutrient ranges of sufficiency in foliar tissue (mean ± standard deviation) were: N = 58.44 ± 3.63, P = 3.46 ± 0.22, K = 57.21 ± 3.39, Ca = 24.83 ± 1.99 y Mg = 10.09 ± 0.62 (g kg‑1, respectively). Yield tends to depend on Mg foliar concentration. This implies that future work should involve effects of this element and its interactions with other nutrients on the yield of Jalapeño hot pepper native cultivar 'Tajín' as well as the validation of the proposed CND norms.
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