The results of the trial, developed in Ained de Cardós (Lérida) during the period 1992-94 for the edafo-climatic conditions of the sire, shows the favourable results of the application of dolomite (32-36% OCa + 16-20% OMg) on acid soil (pH < 6). The application, containing Calcium (Ca²+) and Magnesium (Mg²+) cations, from dolomite generates a significant response increasing biomass and dry matter per hectare in the natural meadow. It’s also observed a higher content of total digestible protein, calcium and magnesium for surface area. However, it was not observed a quality increment (% a.dry matter) of these elements in the green forage.
The dose of 1250 Kg/ha of dolomite and the equilibrium Ca²+/ Mg²+ ( meq/ 100 g) = 7.72 and K+/ Mg²+ (meq/ 100 g) = 1.00 generate the best result on the quantitative parameters of the meadow. The study, also, allows to observe the moderate, not significant, correlation between the increasing contents, by hectare, of Calcium and Magnesium in the soil and the extraction capacity of the meadow in the same surface.
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