The emphasis given to pistachio nuts by the Mediterranean basin countries is gradually increasing. While the production has increased rapidly during the last two decades, both the yield and the area devoted to pistachio nut have increased as well. The existence of wild species of Pistacia, suitability of the ecology, and possibilities of inter and intra specific buddings and cross pollinations and fertilizations are good signs of the possibilities of pistachio nut growing in this area. On the other hand, extreme drought resistance of Pistacia spp. enables the farmers of arid and semi‑arid lands to grow this nut without irrigation. Good examples in this frame can be seen in the South‑East Anatolia, Syria, Tunisia, etc. However, there are serious problems to be solved in propagation, pollination, alternate bearing, dehulling, splitting, chilling and growing degree hours, etc., for a succesfull production of this valuable nut.
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