Detección del origen filogenético de diferentes poblaciones porcinas españolas por pirosecuenciación de una región del citocromo B del ADN mitocondrial porcino
A. Clop, G. Nyman, A. Sánchez, J.L. Noguera, L. Andersson
96A-3 (220-224)
Animal Production
Two hundred thirty four sows from 5 different breeds (2 rustic and 3 commercial ones) were analyzed for a region located on cytocrome B (Cyt B) by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). We used the pyrosequencing technique for sequencing this region. This method is based on real‑time sequencing and the detection of the bioluminiscence produced when each nucleotide is incorporated in the growing DNA chain. The objective of this experiment was to determine the asian or european origin of the five pig breeds mentioned above. Three different haplotypes (one european and two asian ) were found. Moreover, we describe a new haplotype created by mutation or genetic recombination. These results agree well with other published papers and with historical documents.
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