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Estudio del carácter velocidad de ordeño y recuento de células somáticas en primera lactación de la población vacuna Frisona del País Vasco

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Authors: M.T. Fernández, R. Alenda, M. Serrano, E. Ugarte
Issue: 96A-3 (270-276)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Milking speed, somatic cell counts, genetic correlation

The objetive of this study is the estimation of the breeding values of Freisian sires belong to Basque Country, for the traits milking speed and somatic cell count and genetic parameters for both traits. Data consist of 13.240 first lactation records of milking speed (MS) and somatic cell count (SCC). REML heritability estimates were 0,10 and 0,17 for MS and SCC respectively. Genetic corelation obtained was ‑0,41. This results indicate the advantaje to develop an Udder Health Index to reduce economic lost produced by these traits

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