D. García, M.L. Checa, P. García‑Atance, S. Dunner, J. Cañón
96A-3 (282-289)
Animal Production
Genetic diversity, Weitzman's approach, analysis of correspondence
In order to study the genetic diversity in a set of Spanish horse breeds and the contribution of each breed to the whole diversity, with a posterior use in genetic resources management policies in mind, two different approaches are compared in this paper. Weitzmann's is based upon genetic distances, and the theoretical properties associated to its measure of diversity make it a robust measure with respect to breed additions and variations in the distances. Furthermore, it produces an easily interpretable hierarchical tree for individual breeds genetic contributions studies. The analysis of correspondences is a clasical statistical method which, applied to this context, allows an analogous concept to that of inercy to be translated into the diversity added by each breed. Appart from that, it generates a plot of the relationship among the breeds.
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