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Análisis de las preferencias de los detallistas de jamón curado mediante el análisis conjunto

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Authors: F.J. Mesias, F. Martínez‑Carrasco, L.M. Albisu
Issue: 93A-1 (41-55)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: retailers preferences, conjoint analysis, cured ham, Denominación de Origen Teruel

In this article the preferences of retailers selling cured ham, from "Denominación de Origen" of Teruel, in Zaragoza are analysed. This work uses the Conjoint Analysis as a means to investigate preferences and the relative significance of attributes defining the product and the ideal products for the retailers. Simulations have been undertaken in order to obtain their elasticities with respect to their own prices and other prices. Also the economic value of the attribute "Denominación de Origen" of Teruel has been searched.

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