During 1992 and 1993 alfalfa‑grass consociated pastures were evaluated in three locations of Rio Cuarto Department. Objectives were: (a) characterization of forage availability, and (b) amount of growth in several epochs. Experimental lots with two replications were established in each location and evaluation periods were: april‑september, september‑december and december‑april. Cumulative forage was measured monthly using 0.25 m2 sampling plots. Dry matter accretion was ajusted by de logistic function Y = A/l + be−ax, derivation of its along time allow to determine growth rate TCC (Acuña et al.). Results remark the high correlation coefficients of calculate functions for all location and periods. Maximal accumulation of forage during april‑september across location and periods gave between 1.500 and 2.000 kg DM/ha. Maximum rate was 30 ‑40 kg DM/ha/day after 70‑80 day of de regrowth. During september‑december maxima yields were 2.500‑3.000 kg DM/ha and maxima rates 80 and 100 kg DM/ha/day at 30‑40 day after regrowth. Data corresponding to december‑april period are not include due to faulty sampling. At the moment of maximum rate, accumulated forage was 600‑700 and 900‑1.000 kg DM/ha for april‑september and september‑december periods, respectively.
These results would indicate what the criterium of cutting or grazing when the highest rate of growth is reached would cause the problem of relatively poor accumulation and could also be a limitation to delay the opportunity of cutting or grazing in order to utilize more efficiently the growing existing potential.
Obviously, the utilization should not be delayed too much since due to the rapid decrease of TCC the advantage referred above will be lost, and also the quality would be reduced.
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