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Situación y perspectivas de la mejora genética de la raza vacuna Pirenaica

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Authors: J. Altarriba, A. García‑Cortés, C. Moreno, L. Varona
Issue: 92A-3 (107-116)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: beef cattle, Pirenaica breed, animal breeding

The actual stage of the Pirenaica breeding plan is briefly described, concerning census, performance records and genetic evaluations, and the selection scheme actually being applied is discussed. Our experience during the last years shows that alternative evaluation methods have to be implemented to avoid critical aspects of this plan. In this sense, some results of a method that provides the simultaneous estimation of phenotypes, genetic values and (co)variance components from the whole set of weights available are presented. All near grow function within 100 and 300 days of age was assumed. Finally, some remarks about this method are analized and discussed.

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