M.E. Alonso, J.M. Sánchez, J.A. Riol, P. Gutiérrez, V.R. Gaudioso
91A-3 (105-117)
Animal Production
fall presentation, fight, behaviour, bravery, physical exertion
study was made of the falling syndrome and the behaviour displayed during the fight for 737 bulls. The bulls fought in a range of first and second class bull rings during the years 1991, 1992 and 1993. Six different degrees of fall were considered taking into account the severity of the symptoms displayed by the animals. To study the behaviour some parameters in the different stages of the fight were observed.
The conclusion can be drawn that the braver the animals are and the more physical exertion they displayed, the more they fall, specially during the "varas" and "muleta" stages. On the other hand, the animals' weight has positive correlations with the lowest fall degrees and negative with the severe ones, although no statistically significant in either cases. During the "varas'' stage, it was noted that the animals that received a higher number of "puyazos" showed less incidence of the different fall degrees.
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