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Socio‑economic impact of honey production and their structural characteristics in A Coruña (NW Spain)

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Authors: María Amparo Ferreira‑Golpe, Ana Isabel García‑Arias, María do Mar Pérez‑Fra e Ibán Vázquez‑González
Issue: 117-3 (295-310)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Galicia, beekeeping, bee farms typology, honey production value, rural income diversification

This paper describes the structure of the beekeeping sector and the technical‑economic characteristics of the honey bee farms in the province of A Coruña. We identify their role as providers of complementary incomes for the rural population and ecosystem services. To do this, a survey of 87 farms was conducted among producers. As main results we offer a new classification of beekeeping farms based on a cluster analysis. In addition, we review the estimates about the honey production value offered by official statistics and we assess their impact on gross income per capita.


Ferreira‑Golpe MA, García‑Arias AI, Pérez‑Fra MM y Vázquez‑González I (2021). Impacto socioeconómico de la actividad apícola y características productivas del sector en la provincia de A Coruña. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 117(3): 295-310.

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