Market demand and consumer needs must be the input used when planning volumes and quality attributes of fresh products. Therefore, this research was oriented at analyzing the expected preferences towards the quality attributes required by consumers and the sensory acceptability (e.g. tasting) of new peach varieties. The information was obtained from a sample of 400 peach consumers in Zacatecas, Mexico and it was later analyzed by multidimensional scaling, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. In general, the main quality attributes considered by peach consumers before the sensory experience were: external color, size and absence of bruises or blemishes on the fruit?s skin. After the sensory experience, the peach varieties with the highest acceptability among consumers were characterized by strong yellow to orange external color, yellow pulp, sweetness between 11 °Brix and 13 °Brix, firmness, no tip, very short hairiness, characteristic smell, size from 52 mm to 60 mm and red blush from 25 % to 75 %. Three types of consumers were identified: "active-healthy", who were concerned about their health and the environment (50 %); "skeptic" who had an indifferent attitude towards the environment and their personal health (24 %); and "environmentally conscious and health unconcerned", who were less concerned about their health, but had a greater interest in the environment (26 %). Each segment has preferences for different types of varieties. However, the acceptance of certain varieties by consumers could change depending on the availability of each variety in the market (seasonality or season of supply). Thus, the results from this research contribute to re-directing genetic improvement efforts of peach varieties based on sensory needs and types of consumers.
Sánchez‑Toledano BI (2021). Variedades de melocotón con mayor potencial económico: un estudio de caso en el norte de México. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 117(5): 598-617.
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