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The reused progesterone device in short-term protocols has the same effect on reproductive performance and progesterone profiles in Pelibuey ewes

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Authors: Carlos Luna‑Palomera, Ulises Macías‑Cruz, Fernando Sánchez‑Dávila, Nadia Florencia Ojeda‑Robertos y Jorge Alonso Peralta‑Torres
Issue: 119-2 (149-157)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: estrous behavior, reused devise, progesterone, hair sheep

The aim was to evaluate the estrous behavior, gestation rate and P4 concentrations in Pelibuey ewes treated under a short synchronization protocol with new intravaginal devices (CIDRn) and reused (CIDR1 and CIDR2). The percentage of females in estrus, withdrawal time at estrus presentation, duration of estrus, gestation rate and percentage of retained devices were evaluated, likewise P4 concentrations on days −10 (input), −8, −6, −2 (withdrawal) and 0 (estrus day). Categorical variables were analyzed by Chi-square test, continuous variables by analysis of variance and P4 concentrations with repeated measures over time. There were no differences (P > 0.05) among ewes treated with CIDRn, CIDR1 and CIDR2 for any of the reproductive variables analyzed. It was concluded that the P4 release in reused devices is sufficient to achieve an adequate synchronization of estrus and pregnancy rate in Pelibuey breed ewes.


Luna‑Palomera C, Macías‑Cruz U, Sánchez‑Dávila F, Ojeda‑Robertos NF, Peralta‑Torres JA (2023). Los dispositivos reutilizados en protocolos cortos de sincronización tienen el mismo efecto sobre el desempeño reproductivo y perfiles de progesterona en ovejas Pelibuey. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 119(2): 149-157.

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