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Circular bioeconomy strategies: A comparative analysis at a European level

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Authors: Ana C. Casillas‑González, María Natividad Pérez‑Camacho, Manuel García‑López, M. Mar Cátedra‑Cerón, Carmen Capote, Ignacio Martín‑Jiménez y Anastasio J. Villanueva
Issue: 118-4 (613-630)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: bioeconomy, circular economy, european green deal, horizon europe

In the last decade, the circular bioeconomy (CBE) has been appearing on the political agenda with increasing intensity, both at the international and EU level, as well as at the national and regional level. In this paper, a comparative analysis of CBE strategies in a selection of countries (Austria, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, and the United Kingdom) and regions in Europe (Baden‑Württemberg (DE), Andalusia (ES), Pays de la Loire (FR), Flanders (BE), and Mazovia (PO)) is carried out to identify common and specific aspects. From the analysis, a "typical" strategy could be defined. It would be driven by the public administration, would involve a wide range of sectors (especially the primary sector and the bioindustries), and would employ a variety of policy instruments including communication and awareness-raising actions, education and training of workers and entrepreneurs, positive incentives (e.g., R&D&I support), technical assistance and coordination of initiatives, and regulatory simplification. Additionally, recommendations are made towards improving the effectiveness and sustainability of future CBE strategies.


Casillas‑González AC, Pérez‑Camacho MN, García‑López M, Cátedra‑Cerón MM, Capote C, Martín‑Jiménez I, Villanueva AJ (2023). Estrategias de bioeconomía circular. Un análisis comparativo a nivel europeo. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 118(4): 613-630.

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