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Consumer acceptance of the traditional variety 'Muniesa' bean for the recovery of its cultivation on a commercial scale

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Authors: Azucena Gracia, Ana María Sánchez y Cristina Mallor
Issue: 119-2 (172-189)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Aragón, Teruel, focus group, local, intention to purchase, packaging

Traditional varieties are linked to geographical origin and territory, bestowing upon them some intrinsic characteristics, generally highly appreciated by local consumers. Therefore, the cultivation of these varieties can be an alternative to other varieties and contribute to mitigate the abandonment of rural areas and to improve its economic and territorial sustainability. This study is focused on a traditional variety from a marginal rural area of the province of Teruel (Aragon) that was no longer cultivated for commercial purposes. The objective is to find out the viability to reinstate in the market this traditional landrace bean through an analysis of its acceptance by consumers. Specifically, the intention of consumers to buy different types of dry beans ('Muniesa' beans, among others) is analysed, considering their external appearance and associated information (place of production and representative characteristics), as well as the type of package. To do that, a qualitative study was carried out using a focus group conducted with three dry beans consumers groups in two geographical areas close to the production area. Results indicated that the 'Muniesa' traditional white bean will be accepted by a segment of consumers who usually consume dry beans because of their intrinsic characteristics (size, colour or shape) and their place of production and, in particular, because it is a traditional crop with specific agronomic characteristics that it is produced in non-irrigated land with little water requirements.


Gracia A, Sánchez AM, Mallor C (2023). Aceptación del consumidor de la variedad tradicional Judía Blanca de Muniesa para la recuperación de su cultivo a escala comercial. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 119(2): 171-189.

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