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Effect of the chemical and organomineral fertilization on the production of canola in dry land under tillage reduced in Michoacán, Mexico

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Authors: B.L. Gómez y M.A. Cepeda
Issue: 106-3 (170-183)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Brassica napus, silicon, yield

In the 2006 an experiment of canola was established with the hybrid Hyola 401 in the region central western Mexico, where 10 treatments derived from the combination of two fertilizer organic-minerals: Silifertidol plus and Fosfosilidol were evaluated under reduced tillage, with fertilization 120-60- 80 and 90-45-60 of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively, and as well as each of them, an absolute witness and the regional witness under conventional tillage (120-60-80). Leaf area index, height of plant, plant density, pods by plant, grains by pod, weight of thousand grains and grain yield were evaluated. The results indicated high significance in the majority of the studied variables. The variables that showed positive influence to the application of chemical fertilizer + organic-mineral fertilizer were the leaf area index, number of pods by plant and weight of thousand grains, with increases until of the 109, 126 and 10%, respectively; on the witness under conventional tillage in addition these variables were those that presented a direct influence on the grain yield. With the organicmineral fertilization under reduced tillage it is possible to diminish the chemical fertilization in a 25%, with an increase in grain yield of 702 kg ha-1 on the regional witness under conventional tillage.

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