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Changes in productivity and its determinants in Cuba dairy farms

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Authors: J. Flores, J. Herrera-Toscano y S. Flores
Issue: 110-2 (187-207)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Malmquist, efficiency, change technological.

The objective of this paper is to study changes in productivity and its determinants-technical change and efficiency change-of a sample of Cuban dairy farms located in the municipality of San Jose de las Lajas. For this purpose Malmquist productivity indexes calculated with DEA techniques and data for the period 2006-08. Also, assume variable returns to scale and used a product orientation. We considered two inputs and two outputs. The results indicate that due to a drop in productivity of dairy farms in 2006- 2007, which exceeded the increase that occurred during the period 2007-2008, the entire study period from 2006 to 2008, showed a small reduction productivity, which was caused entirely by a slight drop technology. This result is explained, in part, by an increase in the number of cows in 2007 that proportion was not expressed in the production for that year.

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