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Summer truffle in the Iberian Peninsula: current status and crop potential

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Authors: S. Sánchez, A.M. De Miguel, R. Sáez, M. Martín-Santafé, B. Águeda, J. Barriuso, S. García-Barreda, D. Salvador-Alcalde, S. Reyna
Issue: 112-1 (20-33)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: alternative crops, truffle ecology, edible ectomycorrhizal fungi, Tuber aestivum, Tuber uncinatum

Summer truffle (Tuber aestivum, including Tuber uncinatum) is a species of great economic and social value. Wild summer truffles are produced all over Europe, North Africa and part of the Middle East. This species has been underutilized in the Iberian Peninsula due to ability of certain areas to cultivate species of greater economic value, such as the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum). However, the summer truffle is an alternative species for areas where the black truffle is not well adapted. In this paper, the distribution and ecology of T. aestivum, the current situation and the future prospects of this crop in the Iberian Peninsula is reviewed. Summer truffle is a growing crop, well adapted in greater ecological and geographical areas than black truffle. However, it is still necessary to carry out further efforts to publicize it to both growers and consumers in Spain and to spread technical aspects of its management

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