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Behavior of seven potato varieties (Solanun tuberosum, L) with low resources in the mountain

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Authors: E. Lescay, L. Arias Basulto, A. Álvarez, C. Cordoví
Issue: 98V-1 (5-10)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: Potato, food, low resources, mountain

With the purpose to know the behavior of yield and it's components seven potato varieties were evaluated with low resources in mountain conditions of Cuba. A plain terrace with 677 m² on red Fersialitic soil and altitude of 900 meter above sea level was used. The area of the plots was 14 m² distributed in random blocks with four repetitions. The 'Chieftain ', 'Mondial' and 'Picasso' varieties showed yields of 15.44; 15.25 and 14.78 t/ha, respectively. Also a positive and significant relation of yield with the number and weigth of comercial tubers per plant was found with a determination coeffiecient (r²) of 92.4%.

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