Evaluation of endomycorrhizae and Azospirillum sp. in agronomic characteristics and nutraceutical quality of chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum) in greenhouse
The objective of this study was to know the effect of Azospirillum sp. and Glomus intraradices in the cultivation of yellow pepper under greenhouse conditions. The treatments consisted in different combinations that included diluted solutions of Steiner with 2 concentrations of bacteria (104 and 106 CFU ml-1), 2 concentrations of endomycorrhizae (25 and 50 spores) and 4 treatments combining bacteria and endomycorrhizae. A control treatment with complete Steiner solution was included. The experimental design was completely random blocks with 9 treatments and 20 repetitions. The plant height, stem diameter, equatorial and polar fruit diameter, fruit weight and yield variables showed better results using a combination of bacteria and fungi. The nutraceutical quality (Vitamin C, Total Soluble Solid and acid number) was improved with the inoculation of 50 spores and 106 CFU ml-1. In carotenoids the best results were obtained with 104 and 106 CFU ml-1 combined with 50 spores. Minerals N and P increased with the use of inoculants in a dose of 106 CFU ml-1 combined with 50 spores and a nutritive solution of 50% N-50% P. The concentration of N and P increased in fruit in both concentrations of inoculum of bacteria and mycorrhizal spores.
Pérez‑Velasco EA, Mendoza‑Villarreal R, Sandoval‑Rangel A, Cabrera‑de la Fuente M, Robledo‑Torres V, Valdez‑Aguilar LA (2019). Evaluación del uso de endomicorrizas y Azospirillum sp. en la productividad y calidad nutracéutica de chile morrón (Capsicum annuum) en invernadero. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 115(1): 18‑30. https://doi.org/10.12706/itea.2018.029
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