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Chemical control of the invasive weed Araujia sericifera Brot.

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Authors: D. Gómez de Barreda‑Ferraz, V. De Luca, J.M. Osca, M. Verdeguer y M. Muñoz
Issue: 116-3 (212-226)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: herbicides, invasive plants, citriculture, natural herbicide, weed science

Araujia sericifera Brot. is a weed that was introduced in Europe from South America as an ornamental species. It has had a successfully adaptation to citrus orchards management in the Mediterranean area, especially on poorly weed managed or abandoned ones. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of the authorized herbicides in Spain for citrus against A. sericifera and a Natural product under development. The study was conducted in a controlled environmental chamber where the weed was cultivated in pots. The whole study consisted in 2 experiments applying 11 pre‑emergent herbicides and mixtures and 3 experiments applying 14 post‑emergent herbicides and mixtures in two different phenological stages. In conclusion, post‑emergent control was better than pre‑emergent treatments, especially with contact herbicides (pelargonic acid, diquat, Natural and pyraflufen ethyl). However, the penoxsulam + florasulam combination applied to the soil was very effective. The Natural herbicide was just effective when it was applied on post‑emergence of the weed.


Gómez de Barreda‑Ferraz D, De Luca V, Osca JM, Verdeguer M, Muñoz M (2020). Control químico de la mala hierba invasora Araujia sericifera Brot. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 116(3): 212‑226.

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