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Preliminary results from a morphological study of the udder in Manchega sheep

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Authors: M.E. Seldas, J.J. Jurado, M. García, V. Montoro, M.D. Pérez‑Gúzman
Issue: 94A-3 (226-235)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Manchega sheep, linear udder trait, udder conformation

The aim of this paper is to apply a linear model trait appraisal of udder for sheep (Fernández, 1995) in the Manchega breed. A total of 4,706 scores have been taken from 3,122 ewes in 12 flocks. In each case five characteristics were estimated in the udder: depth, attachment, teat placement, teat size and udder shape. The linear scale has a range of nine points (1‑9) for each characteristic. Mean values of those were between 4.56 for udder shape and 5.27 for udder attachment. Analysis of variance showed that sheep‑flock is the principal affecting factor followed, in decreasing order, by flock, length parity‑measure and classifier. There was found a positive correlation between udder shape and milk production. More studies are necessary to consider if is possible include morphological traits in the genetic valuation of Manchega sheep.

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