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Native carob cultivars survey in Andalusia

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Authors: J. Tous, I. Batlle, A. Romero
Issue: 91V-3 (164-174)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: carob, Andalusia, cultivars, survey, ecology, carob pod, carob seed, Spain

The most important carob growing areas of five Andalusian provinces (Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Málaga and Seville) were surveyed in 1993. Two main producing zones (coastal and inland) were established. In both explored zones, two main populations were distinguished: "Ungrafted" (grouping all seedling trees growing wild) and "Grafted" (which is a variable group, due to in each zone its most promising material or that coming from cultivars of the Spanish eastern coast was grafted). We identify 25 local names belonging to 22 distinct female cultivars. Only 'Sayalonga' is broadly cultivated. The results of the pomological characterization of the samples collected showed a high genetic variability within the Andalusian carob germplasm. Important pod trait differences bet ween wild and cultivated trees were observed. "Ungrafted" carob trees gave pods lighter, shorter and narrower than "Grafted". Wild carob trees produce higher seed yield than cultivated. The most promising types were introduced in 1994, by budding on seedling rootstocks, in the collection of IRTA‑Mas Bové (Reus, Spain).

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