Mario Pérez‑Grajales, Tabita Queren Pérez‑Reyes, Oscar Cruz‑Álvarez, Rogelio Castro‑Brindis y María Teresa Martínez‑Damián
117-4 (332-346)
Plant Production
Capsicum annuum L., yield components, fruit morphology, agronomic management, oomycetes resistance, Scoville Heat Units
In this study the compatibility of the serrano pepper type Criollo of Morelos 334 as a rootstock, as well as its response at the yield, physicochemical quality and content of capsaicinoids in rocoto (Capsicum pubescens) was evaluated. The study was carried out during the years 2017 and 2018 in the Department of Plant Science of Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico. The hybrids 'Maruca', 'Jhos' and 'Dali' had a compatibility level of 92 %, 98 %, and 96 %, respectively; where the stem diameter of the grafted plants was significantly larger in relation to the non-grafted control. With exception of the thickness of the peridermis and the number of seeds, the yield and morphology values of the fruit remained without statistical variation. The use of grafting allowed the harvest of firmer fruits (15.27 Newtons, 15.54 Newtons and 16.95 Newtons) and less weight loss, although this last variable was only outstanding for 'Jhos' and 'Dali'. On the other hand, the capsacinoids content was statistically similar between the grafted and ungrafted hybrids with CM‑334. The use of the cultivar CM‑334 as rootstock can be considered as an alternative in the production of chili pepper, with the additional advantage of being able to include its use in the integrated management of Phytophtora capsici, the main limitation in the chili production.
Pérez‑Grajales M, Pérez‑Reyes TQ, Cruz‑Álvarez O, Castro‑Brindis R, Martínez‑Damián MT (2021). Compatibilidad del portainjerto CM‑334 y su respuesta sobre el rendimiento, calidad fisicoquímica y contenido de capsaicinoides en frutos de Capsicum pubescens. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 117(4): 332‑346.
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