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Effects of environmental enrichment on production, health and behaviour of meat rabbits. Systematic review

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Authors: Patricia Katiusca Cumbe‑Nacipucha, Erik Sandor Valencia‑Kanut, Karen Melissa Cardona‑Gómez y Juan Carlos Domínguez‑Tejerina
Issue: In Press
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, reproductive performance, weight gain, welfare, stress, PRISMA

The application of environmental enrichment techniques in meat production can offer significant benefits for animal welfare, ensure efficient and sustainable production, reduce undesirable behaviours and improve animal health. The aim of this study was to systematically analyse the types of environmental enrichment and their effect on production, health and behaviour in meat rabbits in an intensive system. An electronic search for articles was carried out using the PRISMA systematic review methodology. Articles were selected from Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and other databases in the English language from the last five years, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were followed. The results suggest that the various environmental enrichment techniques alone or in combination could have beneficial effects on production with weight gain and improved coat quality. Health effects, by reducing injuries, improved immune system, digestive function, and reduced stress. In terms of behavioural effects, it increases exploratory behaviour, physical exercise, reduces aggression, allows the display of species‑specific behaviours, and decreases stereotypical behaviour. Therefore, research on the combination of different types of environmental enrichment could provide valuable information to improve the welfare and production of rabbits.


Cumbe‑Nacipucha P.K., Valencia‑Kanut E.S., Cardona‑Gómez K.M., Domínguez‑Tejerina J.C. (en prensa). Efectos del enriquecimiento ambiental en la producción, salud y comportamiento de conejos de carne. Revisión sistemática. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria. Vol. xx: YY-YY.

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