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Public support to the Spanish agriculture in the current framework of the CAP

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Authors: S. Andrés, J.M. García e I.M. Medina
Issue: 108-4 (450-481)
Topic: Plant Production
Keywords: National Transfers, European Transfers, Community Agricultural Policy, Autonomous Communities.

The present research evaluates the National Support to the Spanish Regional Agriculture, taking as a base an adaptation of the methodology of the OECD. The five years studied are from 2005 to 2009, crucial period which involves the application of the “Interim Review” and prepare the ground for the “Health Check”. The results include the estimation of the level and the way of the support in each Autonomous Communities, considering the National Transfers and the other transfers executed from the CAP, and place the evolution of the Spanish Agricultural Policy as a reference in the EU and in the OECD. This evolution shows a context to define political strategies that address needs of the sector and the rural habitat development.

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