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Genetic improvement and conservation of Andalusian Hound varieties

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Authors: C.J. Barba, J.V. Delgado, A.C. Sierra, J.M. Afonso
Issue: 94A-3 (355-361)
Topic: Animal Production

We have developed a study of the population al structure of the Andalusian hound dog breed, observing the conservation status of all the varieties forming the breed.
Ours results have shown as the short hair ‑ Mid Size is the unique variety prepared for genetic improvement, while two other varieties are in a stable situation (hard hair ‑ Big Size and hard hair ‑ Mid Size). The six remain varieties are under vulnerability.
In the study of the inbreeding of the population we have observed individual values between 0 and 25 %, while the populational mean levels of inbreeding have varying between varieties in a range of 3.4 and 8 %.
Finally, we present the bases of the conservation, preservation and improvement plans of all the varieties of this breed.

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