The dosage of nitrogen (N) recommended for the cotton crop at the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico, is based on data obtained 20 years ago and with long cycle and high vegetative development varieties. The purpose of this study was to know the response of the new cotton variety "CIAN 95", to the N fertilization dosage. This variety is earlier and develops less foliage than the old varieties. Six N rates (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 kg/ha) were evaluated in a high plant density (90.000 plants/ha) production system. All the treatments with N showed high, and statistically similar, lint cotton yields. These results suggest that CIAN 95 need a N dosage lower than the recommended (120 kg/ha) to get high lint yields. The best boll weight, seed index and fiber strength, and the lower lint % were obtained at high N dosage. The boll weight, seed index and fiber length showed year effect.
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