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Instrumental quality of suckling kid meat. A review

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Authors: Guillermo Ripoll, María Jesús Alcalde y Begoña Panea
Issue: 117-2 (145-161)
Topic: Animal Production
Keywords: pH, goat, review, caprine, carcass, meat quality

Goat production is quite important in Spain having high census and economic impact. This review has been performed systematically with studies about suckling kids with slaughter weight lower than 13 kg and fed exclusively milk. The carcass weight of kids were distributed into two groups, above and below of 5 kg. Kid meat appears as a useful protein source with low fat content. It was found any linear relationship between rearing system or carcass weight with pH. Meat of kids fed maternal milk had greater yellowness index than those fed milk replacers. Toughness was not affected by carcass weight or rearing system and the average value was 35 N. In general, meat of carcasses heavier than 5 kg had less saturated and more unsaturated fatty acids, as well a higher n‑6/n‑3 ratio than meat of carcasses with less than 5 kg. There is few scientific information on the instrumental quality of suckling kid meat. Therefore, there is a wide field of research to cover the absence of knowledge in this topic.


Ripoll G, Alcalde MJ, Panea B (2021). Calidad instrumental de la carne de cabrito lechal. Revisión bibliográfica. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 117(2): 145‑161.

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