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Structrural tipyfication and profitability of sheep meat farms

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Authors: Louiza Chekmam, María Tereza Maza y Luis Pardos
Issue: 117-2 (191-207)
Topic: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: meat sheep, farm structure, economic results

The sheep meat sector is experiencing a strong recoil in Spain and in the European Union. It is a type of livestock that plays an important role in disadvantaged areas for its contribution to economic, social and environmental sustainability, being important to ensure its economic viability. The generic objective of this work has been to analyze the possible relationship between the economic results of a sample of sheep meat farms located in Aragon (Spain) and certain structural indicators. Previously a typification was done to study their variability. The sample is made up of 126 Aragonese meat sheep farms. The variables' means are used during a period that varies between 5 and 24 years within the 1993‑2016 period. A factor analysis was performed on ten structural variables and four factors were identified from which two significantly different groups of farms were obtained in terms of their structural characteristics. The gross margin per total labor unit was chosen as an indicator of the economic result of farms, and was calculated considering or not the remuneration of family labor. By means of a multiple linear regression the dependence of this economic result on structural variables previously analyzed was established. It can be concluded that the optimization of the number of ewes per total labor unit and per hectare of the used agricultural area, are aspects to be considered when improving the profitability and viability of sheep meat farms.


Chekmam L, Maza MT, Pardos L (2021). Tipificación estructural y rentabilidad de explotaciones ovinas de carne. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 117(2): 191‑207.

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