Rubén Granado‑Díaz, Anastasio J. Villanueva, Macario Rodríguez‑Entrena, Malenia Salazar‑Ordóñez, Manuel Estévez, Alejandro Sanz y Trinidad Manrique
117-5 (557-579)
Agricultural Economics
acorn‑fed Iberian ham, dehesa, search attributes, credence attributes, discrete choice experiment, willingness to pay
This research analyses the differential consumer behaviour when search and credence attributes are involved in both acorn‑ and fodder‑fed Iberian ham. Regarding the former attribute type, we assess ham-cutting (hand‑cut versus machine‑cut) and, related to the latter type, the product provenance (evoked in the packaging through written and graphic information) associated with the agroforestry systems of dehesa (Iberian oak savanna) —which show high environmental and cultural values—. To the best of our knowledge, these attributes are scientifically assessed for the first time. To do so, the Discrete Choice Experiment technique was performed using a sample of Andalusian (southern Spain) consumers of Iberian ham. The results show different consumer's preference patterns for both types of Iberian ham, not only because of a diverse willingness to pay (higher for acorn‑fed Iberian ham) but also according to the composition of the utility functions. In particular, a wider variety of significant attributes was observed for the acorn‑ compared to the fodder‑fed Iberian ham, especially due to a different preference pattern toward the attribute of product provenance. These findings can allow the producers to design and implement different and improved marketing strategies for both acorn- and fodder‑fed Iberian ham.
Granado‑Díaz R, Villanueva AJ, Rodríguez‑Entrena M, Salazar‑Ordoñez M, Estévez M, Sanz A, Manrique T (2021). ¿Existe un patrón de preferencias del consumidor diferente según el tipo de jamón ibérico?. ITEA‑Información Técnica Económica Agraria 117(5): 557-579.
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